Don’t delay! Do something to prevent Heart Disease, Heart Attacks & Strokes before you become part of the statistics.
Cardiovascular disease is among the top three causes of death in sub-Saharan Africa. This is partly because of rapid urbanization which has resulted in an upsurge of coronary heart and coronary artery disease (also known as ischaemic heart disease) and metabolic disorders. 29 Sept 2016
The causes of heart failure in Africans remain largely nonischemic. Hypertension, cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, chronic lung disease and pericardial disease are the main contributors to the etiology of cardiac failure in sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for over 90% of cases.
Black males have the highest death rate due to heart failure (104.2) followed by white males (99.2), black females (82.5), and white females (76.7).
Fatality rates used to be as high as 50%. However, more than 90%⁷ of people today survive a heart attack. Surviving a myocardial infarction is primarily due to recognizing the symptoms, getting prompt treatment, and prevention awareness. 12 May 2022
Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. 12 Jul 2022
Nutr8Deli has formulated the Dr G – Cardio Boost SuperCap to assist with Cholesterol reduction and arterial strengthening, in addition to providing immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.
Benefits: Potent Antioxidant Helps reduce stress Helps to treat depression & anxiety Improves memory Helps combat ADHD Helps with dementia and Alzheimer’s Helps with epilepsy & other seizure disorders Helps reduce chronic pain Reduce blood pressure Cleanse the liver of toxins.
Benefits: Fights common cold Improves eyesight Burns fat Build immunity Beautifies hair Improves skin Fights diabetes and cholesterol Relieves pain.
Benefits: Cancer prevention Burn fat Reduce DNA damage Prevent breakdown of collagen Assists with viral infections Helps with obesity Reduce inflammation.